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CSci 127: Introduction to Computer Science
Department of Computer Science
Hunter College, City University of New York
Spring 2025

TL;DR: A first course in computer science, primarily in Python. See the FAQ and resources pages for more details.


Course Outline:

Tentative schedule, subject to change:
Dates:                              Topics: Handouts:    Coursework:       Reading:
Week 0: 1/21-1/27 Course Tools; Setting up at home Installation Guides Lab 0,
Quiz 0
Week 1: 1/28-2/3 Syllabus & Class Policies, Introductions,
Introduction to Python: definite loops, simple output, primitive data types, overview of objects & modules;
What is an algorithm?
Getting started with Python & IDLE
Hello, World,
Hexagon example,
Fancier hexagon,
Programming Assignments
Lab 1,
Code Review 1,
Quiz 1,
Programs 1-5
Think CS: Chapter 1 & Chapter 4
Wednesday, 1/29 No Classes (Lunar New Year)
Thursday, 1/30 1001G Lab Opens for the Semester
Week 2: 2/4-2/10 Strings & Lists: looping through strings, console I/O, ASCII representation, string methods;
Problem solving and the design process (simple parsing and translating)
for-loop examples,
input() example
Lab 2,
Code Review 2,
Quiz 2,
Programs 6-10
Think CS: Chapter 2 & Chapter 3
Wednesday, 2/12 College Closed (Lincoln's Birthday): No Tutoring/Quizzes/Code Reviews available
Week 3: 2/11-2/24 Arithmetic; Indexing & Slicing; Colors, Hexadecimal notation;

Arrays and images in numpy, hexadecimal representation of colors (image processing)
Slicing Challenges,
Color Challenges
Think CS: Section 8.11 & Chapter 11,
Numpy tutorial (DataCamp)
Monday, 2/17 College Closed (Presidents' Day): No Tutoring/Quizzes/Code Reviews available
Tuesday, 2/18 Classes follow Monday Schedule: No Lecture
Week 4: 2/25-3/3 More on Lists & Arrays; Images; Decisions;
Programming with decisions & files (flood maps)
Think CS: Chapter 7 & Chapter 11
Week 5: 3/4-3/10 Logical Expressions, Circuits;
More on Decisions (snow pack);
Circuits & Logical Expressions
Basic Gates,
Circuit Challenge1,
Circuit Challenge2
Think CS: Chapter 7,
Burch's Logic & Circuits, Explain Logic Gates
Week 6: 3/11-3/17 Cropping images; Accessing formatted data;
CSV files via pandas (population change);
Shell Scripts, GitHub
Think CS: Chapter 6,
10-minutes to Pandas Tutorial,
DataCamp Pandas Tutorial,
Ubuntu Terminal Reference Sheet
Week 7: 3/18-3/24 More on pandas; Intro to functions;
continue lecture 6 notes,
intro to functions
OpenData NYC (shelter data); Using main() functions;
Python from the command line
Lecture slip example,
Chapter 6,
10-minutes to Pandas Tutorial,
DataCamp Pandas Tutorial
Week 8: 3/25-3/31 More Functions & Parameters;
Binning data (parking tickets); Top-down design (herd of turtles);
Lecture 8 programs,
List Example 1 (Python Tutor)
List Example 2 (Python Tutor)
Think CS: Chapter 6
Week 9: 4/1-4/7 Programming with Functions, Top-down Design;
Mapping GIS Data (Folium);
Random Number Generation;
Indefinite Loops
Folium/leaflet.js (mapping CUNY locations); Finding errors;
Regular expressions (command line)
Sisters Example,
num2string example
Think CS: Chapter 6,
Folium tutorial
Week 10: 4/8-4/21 Indefinite Loops; Simulations;
Design Patterns: Max;
Indefinite loops; random;
More on command line scripts;
Swap if smaller (Python Tutor)
Think CS: Chapter 8
4/12-4/20 Spring Recess: No Tutoring/Quizzes/Code Reviews available.
Week 11: 4/22-4/28 Python Recap;
Simplified Machine Language;
Design Patterns: Searching;
WeMIPS Emulator,
Lecture slip example
U Idaho reference sheet, MIPS Wikibooks
Week 12: 4/29-5/5 Introduction to C++: program structure, data representation and I/O.
Final Exam Overview
cin/cout example,
kg/lbs example,
loops example,
nested loops
Cplusplus Tutorial,
C++ Tutorials Point,
The Rook's Guide to C++
Week 13: 5/6-5/12 C++

Lecture 13 programs, Cplusplus Tutorial,
C++ Tutorials Point,
The Rook's Guide to C++
Week 14: 5/13-5/15 Mock Exam Exam Information
Finals Week TBA Final Exam in Assembly Hall (118 HN) Exam Information
(This file was last modified on 16 January 2025.)