Submit the following programs via the honors section of Gradescope:
Throughout the semester, we will analyze the Airbnb dataset of New York listings from 2019.
We will work in teams. Each team will choose a borough to analyze. Each team member will then choose a neighborhood in that borough to report on.
Throughout the semester each team will provide different analyses of the overall borough supplemented by analyses of the chosen neighborhoods.
These analyses will be broken down across different assignments and will be a mix of research and data analysis.
We propose to use the Airbnb dataset of New York listings from 2019. However, we give you the freedom to choose a different dataset if that would inspire you more. Another great place to look for data is NYC Open Data. If you choose a different dataset, it must have the following properties to guarantee that you will be able to fulfill all the assignments despite working with different data:
Discuss with your assigned team to decide on a dataset, then move on to Step 2.
Note: You don't need to identify the alternate dataset in this assignment, but if you are considering it you should indicate so in Step 2 and must identify the dataset no later than our next meeting on September 4.
Work with your assigned team to complete the Team Contract.
Once your contract is complete and signed by all team members, upload a .pdf to the assignment HC 1. in the honors section of Gradescope. This will be a group submission (one submission per team). Unlike the Python code, it is not automatically graded.
To begin, discuss with your team to pick a neighborhood in your team's borough (a different neighborhood for each team member). Keep in mind that you want all the neighborhoods together to be representative of the borough. You also want to be sure your neighborhood is well represented in the dataset.
Create a single page summary of your neighborhood that includes at least the following:
Submit a .pdf file containing your summary.
Design a ranking for the most desirable features of a neighborhood.
There are multiple rankings of New York City Neighborhoods. For example,
Submit a .pdf file containing your assessment of the rankings and the three most desirable qualities, as well as a ranking of your team's borough (if all neighborhoods fare the same, you may indicate so and group the discussion to the borough). You should use complete sentences, compare and contrast the rankings above and justify the three qualities that your group thought most important. This will be a group submission (one submission per team).
In this meeting we will discuss your findings from HC 2 and HC 3. Before the meeting, your team should select a speaker from the designated speakers in section A.- c. on your Team contract. This team member will be responsible for summarizing the overall discussion of the borough from that of the neighborhoods to the entire group. The speaker may also call on another team member if a neighborhood-specific aspect is particularly relevant to the discussion.
No submission necessary. This assignment will be graded based on your group's contribution to the discussion.
Grading criteria:
In lab we will break into groups for 15 minutes to briefly consider/research the topic (browse the web to get an idea of possible topics), then we will reconvene to discuss.
Discussion should focus on:
Submission: Choose a source and submit a summary in pdf. Extra credit will be awarded if you can make a connection between the story and your neighborhood (your analysis in HC2 and HC3). This can be a group or individual submission. If you wish to work together as a group you can all submit the same summary. If you do, please indicate so at the top of the document.
For this program, we will create a highlighted map centered around your neighborhood, with the region within about a 1/4 mile box around a marker at the center of the neighborhood at full brightness, the region outside that box at 50% brightness.
To do this:
Submit your answer as a .pdf file (both code and image) to Gradescope.
Each group has 5 minutes to report on what they did so far and what they plan to do to wrap up the assignment for next week.
For this assignment, we will analyze our dataset. This assignment will span over the course of two weeks (two meetings).
During the first meeting, on 16 October, look over this data-analysis document, it will illustrate how to explore, clean and visualize the data.
Read this document together, discuss it and make sure you understand it. Then make a plan together about what you will look for in the data and how.
During the following meeting, on 23 October, you should come with a working-in-progress program (this is not a typo, the program should be complete and working even if not final) and you will work as a team to refine your analysis (your program) and produce the group analysis for the borough.
Although these will be due the same day, I will separate HC7 and HC8 into two different submissions:
These two analyses may mirror each other and the grading criteria for these assignments will be the same and as follows:
Grading Criteria:
What to submit:
Using folium, generate an html map with markers for the airbnb listings in your neighborhood.
To do so:
Hint: You can mirror the program in Lab9 that creates a map with markers for CUNY campuses.
Note: If your neighborhood has too many listings and the map is excessively crowded, you can select a random subset. Don't remove too many, however, so that the map remains representative of the data.
Submit a screenshot of your map and your code as a .pdf file.
We are going to use github to make webpages for your projects. There will be only one site for each project, but we want everyone to set up their own neighborhood page the project webpage will link to.
Create a github page for your neighborhood.
To embed an html as an iframe use the following html tag (assuming your map is called manhattan.html and it lives in the same directory as the page you want to embed it into)
<iframe src="manhattan.html" width="600" height="400" frameborder="0" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<dl> <iframe src="manhattan.html" width="600" height="400" frameborder="0" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> </dl>
Submit a .pdf file that contains the URL of your project on github (web address) and a screenshot of your project.
Useful links:
Generate a project webpage with a small introduction that includes the information in your slides, a brief summary of your borough overview (from HC2, HC3, HC8) and links to all neighborhood webpages.
Submit the slides of your group presentation (two slides) as a .pdf file. Your slides should include who is on the team, the neighborhoods you looked at, a brief description/summary of the project and a link to the project webpage (your presentation must be 3-5 minutes).
During our meeting each team will share their project webpage and the rest of the class will provide constructive feedback for improvement.
As per your Team Contract signed at the beginning of the semester, you will evaluate each member of your team by filling out and submitting this form. After you fill it out, submit the form as pdf.
Each team will present their project (5 minutes each, 2 slides), then we will break into groups and our visitors will join different groups where you will do a poster-like presentation using the project webpage to talk more about your project and individual contributions.