General Notes

Submit the following assignments via the honors section of Gradescope:

  • HC9 Class Discussion and Feedback for Data Analysis + Revisions Due Date: 1 November

    In class on October 27 each team will briefly present their data analysis and other teams will provide feedback.
    Each team will then resubmit a revised data analysis that addresses the feedback.

  • HC 10: Neighborhood Map Due Date: 8 November

    Using folium, generate an html map with markers for boilers/buildings in your neighborhood.

    To do so:

    Hint: You can mirror the program in Lab9 that creates a map with markers for CUNY campuses.

    Note: If your neighborhood has too many entries and the map is excessively crowded, you can select a random subset. Don't remove too many, however, so that the map remains representative of the data.

    Individual submission: Submit a screenshot of your map and your code as a single .pdf file.

  • HC 11: Webpage Due Date: 15 November

    We are going to use github to make webpages for your projects. There will be only one site for each project, but we want everyone to set up their own neighborhood page the project webpage will link to.

    Create a github page for your neighborhood.

    1. If you haven't done so already, set up a repository for your neighborhood project (see the getting started tutorials from Lab 6 on how to set up a repository).
    2. Follow through the options for setting up a page for your project (right under the "Ready to get started?" choose 'Project site').
    3. Include on your neighborhood page:
      • the name of the neighborhood,
      • the highlighted map from HC6 as an image
      • the basic demographics & statistics from HC 2
      • one paragraph summarizing your observations from HC3
      • one paragraph summarizing your observations from HC4
      • a summary of your results from HC7 and HC8 along with plot images, and
      • the map from HC9 (embedded as iframe -- see below)

    To embed an html as an iframe use the following html tag (assuming your map is called manhattan.html and it lives in the same directory as the page you want to embed it into)

    <iframe src="manhattan.html" width="600" height="400" frameborder="0" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    If you are using markdown, you can insert html code by surrounding it with dl tags as in:
    <iframe src="manhattan.html" width="600" height="400" frameborder="0" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    Individual submission: Submit a .pdf file that contains the URL of your project on github (web address) and a screenshot of your project.

    Useful links:

  • HC 12: Draft Presentation and Project Webpage Due Date: 29 November

    Generate a project webpage with a small introduction that includes the information in your slides, a brief summary of your borough overview (from HC2, HC3, HC8) and links to all neighborhood webpages.

    Group submission: Submit the slides of your group presentation (two slides) as a .pdf file. Your slides should include who is on the team, the neighborhoods you looked at, a brief description/summary of the project and a link to the project webpage (your presentation must be 3-5 minutes).

  • HC 13: Feedback Forms Due Date: 6 December

    During our meeting each team will share their project webpage and the rest of the class will provide constructive feedback for improvement.

    As per your Team Contract signed at the beginning of the semester, you will evaluate each member of your team by filling out and submitting this form. After you fill it out, submit the form as pdf.

  • HC 14: Final Project Presentation Due Date: 8 December -- IN LAB

    Each team will present their project (5 minutes each, 2 slides), then we will break into groups and our visitors will join different groups where you will do a poster-like presentation using the project webpage to talk more about your project and individual contributions.

  • (This file was last modified on 13 October 2023.)