This page is for the HONORS section of CSci 127 (HC1). All other sections follow the general webpage.
Augmenting the material covered in the regular course, the honors section introduce additional tools for acquiring, analyzing, and visualizing data from publicly available sources. To focus the inquiry, students will use the NYC OpenData to explore a topic about the forces that shape the physical and social dynamics of New York City. Students will present their analysis and visualization, employing multiple data sources and techniques, during a showcase at the end of the course.

Lecture & Recitation Instructors:
Class: Time:Instructor:E-mail:
LectureTuesdays, 10:00-11:15am, Click here to find a link for the LectureMelissa Lynchmelissa DOT lynch AT hunter cuny edu
HC1Fridays, 10:00-11:15am, 1001B HNDr. Tiziana Ligoriotligorio AT hunter cuny edu

Useful Links:

(This file was last modified on 28 August 2023.)