
Click here to schedule a quiz appointment on Navigate!

Each week, there will be a paper quiz on the lecture notes, reading, submitted programs, and online lab exercises.

Code Reviews

Click here to schedule a code review appointment on Navigate!

There will also be weekly walk-throughs ("code reviews") where you explain one of the programs you wrote for homework to a teaching assistant. Code reviews are integral to software design and development: explaining your coding decisions and convincing another it works correctly leads to improvements in the design and lessens unexpected behaviors and errors.


#   Deadline: Quiz Topics: Code Review Topics:
#1Friday, February 9 Quiz 1: Academic Integrity Policy (certify that you have read and understood it) and introductory survey. Code Review 1: Hello, World! (Program 1)
#2Wednesday, February 21 Quiz 2: Turtles and Loops: Focuses on the turtle and for-loops covered in notes from Lecture 1 and Lab 1. Code Review 2: Explain variations on a turtle program (Programs 2-5)
#3Monday, February 26 Quiz 3: Strings, Loops and Unix: Focuses on concepts covered in Lab 2 such as string, input and range functions, as well as the Unix commands introduced there. Code Review 3: Strings and loops (Programs 6-8)
#4Monday, March 4 Quiz 4: Colors, Hex & Unix: Focuses on concepts covered in Lab 3, such as the use of colors with turtles and hexadecimal number representation, as well as the Unix commands introduced there. Code Review 4: Turtles and colors (Programs 11-13)
#5Monday, March 11 Quiz 5: Images, Decisions, & Unix: Focuses on concepts covered in Lab 4, such as using if-statements as well as the Unix commands covered there. Expect questions on image slicing similar to examples from Lecture 04. Code Review 5: Image & string slicing (Programs 16-17)
#6Monday, March 18 Quiz 6: Logical circuits & expressions; see examples from Question 3 on old finals and from Lab 5. Code Review 6: Circuits, decisions, and type conversion (Programs 20-25)
#7Monday, March 25 Quiz 7: Using pandas for data processing; see examples from Lab 6 and Lecture 6. Code Review 7: NYC Population Data (Programs 26 and 27)
#8Tuesday, April 2 Quiz 8: Using the value_counts() function and top-down design; see examples from Lab 8. Code Review 8: Programs 32 - 35
#9Tuesday, April 9 Quiz 9: Using folium to generate HTML maps, regular expressions; see Lab 9. Code Review 9: Programs 36 - 39
#10Tuesday, April 16 Quiz 10: Covers topics from Lab 10; generating random numbers and using while-loops Code Review 10: Programs 40 - 43
#11Friday, May 3 Quiz 11: Lab 11, machine language (MIPS) Code Review 11: Programs 45 - 48
#12Tuesday, May 14 Quiz 12: Lab 12; Lab 13; Review last question on old finals. Code Review 12: Programs 53-57